GazeTV Reward Pools

4 min readFeb 4, 2021


Good Morning Gazers! Last post we talked about the “Why” thinking behind GazeTV.


This One

This post we are talking about Pools and how we think we are different from existing platforms because we are building a community while they are building a userbase.

How can we incentivize active community over passive viewing? We have two concepts that we feel support this. I’ll talk about both here today.

  1. The Engagement Reward Pool

The Engagement Reward Pool (ERP) is designed specifically to build a relationship between creators and their audience by rewarding not only those who make content, but those who like, share and comment on greater content, especially those who introduce great content to new audiences. At GazeTV, we understand that the creator/audience relationship is critical — plenty of creators are out there making great content, but haven’t really blown up because they are yet to find their audience. While influencers and others “buy” followers and other things to have huge potential audiences, but they never get much engagement from those followers. The ERP aims to solve this conundrum.

In the ERP, GazeTV Foundation will inject an amount of GAZE token into the Pool for engagement reward distribution.

Rewards from the ERP will be broken down into 4 actions

  • Views
  • Net Likes
  • Comments
  • Shares

Each of these actions will be rewarded with a base rate of 0.25 tokens at launch and phase 1. Meanwhile, our trusty Curation Team will be on the look out for spam — We know this reward mechanism is open to

Click Click “Great Vid” Click Click

We may be naive, but we think people are basically good and we will correct at first, but spamming will result in a loss of rewards.

So, in the end, we have a clear way to measure engagement and by incentivising that with tokens, we are being transparent by representing that information on the blockchain — simple.

The most interesting thing in the mechanism is that for each level of engagement, creators will begin to earn more incentives — If people not only watch your content, but like, share and comment, you as the creator of what must be awesome content, get more rewards!

The flipside of the incentives for creators, is the further incentives for those that share — If a community member shares a video with friends and we see that drives a lot of traffic to the video (they introduce it to a lot of new folks who also like and comment) they will be in for further incentives!

2. The Content Upload Reward Pool

This is a simple one — We reward content creators for bringing over their content. At launch and phase 1, each second of content will be worth 1 GAZE token. These incentives are aimed to ensure that content creators who create great content will be rewarded, and our Curation Team will check to ensure that quality content is rewarded while repetitive or “bulk content” will fall outside the reward pool.

This rewards creators who are prolific and productive, and incentivizes people to import their content to the platform, while held in check by our curation team for repetitive and boring content. This will create a vibrant, dynamic community of creators and engaged users who will work together and support one another, rather than an economy of passive users and content factories producing poor quality content.

In summary, at GazeTV, we’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how the world of social media works, what does and what doesn’t, and most importantly, how we think the current system is broken. From our understanding, a very few Influencers get the rewards from being big — they get the views, and they earn money. Their whole aim is to get more views. It’s all about views. That’s fine, but what about if some creators with lower followers (BAA BAA) gets better engagement? Their followers like and comment, ask questions, and engage more. That’s what we think is a healthy community. That vibrancy is what we’d like to see in all the communities that rise up on GazeTV.




Written by GazeTV

Hello Gazer! GazeTV is a social entertainment platform with built-in incentives and reward functions. Kick start your GazeTV journey now at

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